Cree, Inc. High Power LEDs - White XLAMP XML LED WT 260LM
XLamp XP-E High Efficiency White LEDs are the first high-power LEDs featuring Cree
. First Red-Green-Blue-White Multichip LED and XLamp� Color LED Performance Breakthrough. Cree, Inc. (Nasdaq: CREE), a market leader in LED lighting, is expanding its high-power .
. personnel, has designed Cree's new XLamp 7090 XR-E Series power LEDs . the high-quality, uniform white light required by flashlight manufacturers. The new white Cree XR-E series LED .
uniform white light valued by
industry-leading flashlight makers such as . To learn more about the Cree XLamp 7090 power LEDs, please call (919) 313-5300 or visit www.cree .
Cree MP-L EasyWhite, warmwei�, 800 Lumen - Die XLamp MP-L EasyWhite LED bietet mit ihrer kompakten Gr��e von 12 mm x 13 mm die Leistung, Lichtfarbe und Lumendichte einer .
Cool, neutral, and warm white color options ; XLamp XP-E Datasheet Binning Buy Now Quote ; Cree's Highest Performance, High Power LEDs. PDF. PDF. Buy. The XLamp XP-E LEDs deliver the .
Arrow Electronics Lighting Group 1.888.9LIGHT1 http://lighting. arrow.com XLamp � High-Power LEDs Cree � . demonstrates Cree'scommitmentto delivering unprecedented levels of white LED .
. application note describes the types of failures common to high-power LEDs, details Cree
Cree XLamp XM-L Cool White LEDs w/16mm Board-T6 Group,1000Lm@3A Led, Leds, High Power Led, Light Bar, Light Strip, Decoration Light, Laser, Flashlight, Headlamp, Controller .
Cree's XLamp LEDs lead the industry white cree xlamp power leds . XLamp white cree xlamp power leds XT-E White LEDs; XLamp XM-L LEDs . power LEDs with its XLamp LED family. Through XLamp LEDs, Cree is enabling the .
Products | White High Power LEDs . New Performance Data Plus ENERGY STAR
CREE XP-E R2 Emitter white- XPEWHT-L1-WG-R2 The XLamp XP-E LED combines the proven lighting-class . Successful usage of high power LEDs: Heat manegement of XLamp
Die ultimative High Power MultiChip LED! Jetzt auch
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